Come and hear the BIG HISTORY man
Where: At Ben Ricketts Environmental Preserve – Communal Area
Sat 14th & Sun 15th April 2012
Presenter: Professor David Christian, D Phil
David is a professor in the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations at Macquarie University, having previously taught at San Diego State University. Since the 1980s he has been interested in world history on very large scales. In 1989 he began teaching courses on ‘Big History’, surveying the past on the largest possible scales. In 2004, he published the first text on ‘Big History’.
In 2008, Bill Gates listened to a series of David’s recorded lectures, and invited him to develop a web-based course for high school students. The joint US-Australia Big History Project was born. Since then, the web-based course has been trialled in US schools and will be piloted in Australian schools in 2012. David will share with us some of the resources he has developed, and his passion for teaching others about big history.
Big history is a discipline that seeks understanding of the integrated history of the cosmos, earth, life and humanity. Big history weaves together empirical evidence from scientific and historical disciplines into a single accessible story, one that explores how we are, how we got here, how we’re connected to everything around us, and where we may be heading.
Time: Sat 14 April 2012, 7pm-9pm
Big History: Why we need to teach a modern creation story, and how we’re teaching it
Description: Big history refers to the history of the universe, and reflects a modern, scientifically based story of our origins. Young and older generations need to understand this history because it will help prepare us for the many global challenges ahead. During this informal talk with slides, David will describe the background to big history, and the project so far.
Time: Sun 15 April 2012, 10am-12.00
Are we alone in the universe? Humanoid histories
Description: This is a question that used to be in the realms of science fiction, but is now entering the realm of serious science as we learn more about other planets. This question also tells us a lot about humanity, our past and future as the strangest species in the 4 billion year history of planet earth.
Book now!
• Full weekend package: Accomm, talks, and meal: $120 per person/$80 per child under 18 yrs
• Both talks + meal (No accomm): $80 per person
• Sat evening talk & meal: $70 per person;
• Sun talk only: $40 per person/$25 per child
• Full weekend package: Accomm, talks, and meal: $200 per adult/$80 per child under 18 yrs
• Both talks + meal (No accomm): $80 per person
• Sat evening talk: $40 per person /$25 per child; with meal: $70 per person
• Sun talk only: $40 per person /$25 per child
Fee for full weekend package includes:
• 2 presentations/discussion forums
• Shared cabin accommodation for Friday & Saturday nights (view the rainforest cabins and property at, home to echidnas, wombats, lyre birds and more)
• Saturday night catered evening meal
• Sunday morning tea/coffee and snacks
Price does not include:
• Breakfast, lunch and drinks (BYO)
Book your accommodation and preferred cabin with caretakers Jeddah and Jake. Payment online required in advance. Phone 0242-360-208 or email
Note. This event may be cancelled if there are insufficient participants