Landcare Illawarra supports a network of small local nurseries growing local plant species from seed collected in the Illawarra. These plants are used for Landcare revegetation projects but are also available to support other non-landcare projects.
One example project is part of Mount Terry Estate located at Albion Park. The most recent stage of this land development includes the restoration and revegetation of approximately 1 hectare of riparian vegetation along a tributary of Frasers Creek.
The picture to the left shows part of the area just after it was first revegetated in December 2023, and to the right is a second photo taken 12 months later.
A diverse mixture of ground covers, shrubs and trees have been used, mostly selected from the species that have been observed in the surrounding remnant bushland. The local plant communities are a mixture of Illawarra Complex Dry Rainforest and Illawarra Lowland Grassy Woodland.
The developers of the project are a local family who are passionate about achieving good long-term environmental outcomes for the land. This includes sourcing most of the plant stock for the project from Landcare Illawarra’s network of nurseries. Using local plant species and genetics ensures that the plants are well adapted to local soil and weather conditions.
The plantings are being managed by local company Southern Habitat, including watering and weed maintenance. The plants are thriving and well on their way to becoming a valuable addition to the local forest habitat.
Article and images by Steve Roso.