On Saturday the 8th of September, as part of Bushcare’s Major Day Out celebrations around the country, Tullimbah Landcare Group, in partnership with Shellharbour City Council, will host a community seeding day at the Elizabeth Brownlee Reserve, Digby Close, Albion Park.
Activities carried out on the day will not only be in celebration of Bushcare Major Day out 2012, but will also be a tribute to the late local Illawarra botanist, Anders Bofeldt.

Anders Bofeldt sadly passed away at the age of 46 in June 2011. Anders collected thousands of seeds from forests all over the Illawarra and was responsible for many of the plantings at the Wollongong Botanic Gardens. Anders held a wealth of knowledge and the loss of his knowledge has been a tragedy for the region. But much of his seed collection remains, and at this year’s Bushcare Major Day Out, Tullimbah Landcare volunteers will give some of these seeds back to the forests they were intended to help.
Volunteers from around the region are invited to participate in a direct seeding day with the Landcare group. From 10am community members can help spread native understory plant seeds throughout the understory of this beautiful vegetation from Anders’ collections. Seeding activities will be in memory of Anders, and the group will also be installing a plaque to acknowledge his incredible contribution to biodiversity in the Illawarra.
There will be refreshments afterwards including some home baking and a free BBQ for those who attend.
As part of Landcare Week, Bushcare’s Major Day Out will take place at over 100 sites around the country. It is an opportunity for community members to find out what is being done and what can be done in their local neighbourhood and contribute their little bit for the bush.
When: Saturday 8th of September 10am-12pm
Where: Elizabeth Brownlee Reserve, Digby Close Albion Park
RSVP: To Ruth on 0402 027 221