Small Wind and Community Scale Renewable Energy Workshop

Small Wind and Community Scale Renewable Energy Workshop
Free but RSVP essential!

25th September, Fountaindale Grand Manor, Robertson

A training workshop for landholders, residents, community groups, councils, local business and industry.

Learn how small wind turbines produce clean energy, reduce greenhouse emissions and offset energy costs.

Learn how to determine your wind resource, install a small wind turbine and ensure a successful project.

Discover how community scale renewable energy can contribute to your community by reducing greenhouse gases, increasing locally owned infrastructure, creating local jobs and delivering a financial return.

Find out first hand about small wind turbines, and community scale renewable energy projects (solar and wind) ~ from those with experience ~independent experts ~ people working in the industry ~

RSVP essential by 20th September – space is limited!


Craig Memery – Energy Advocacy and Wind Energy Specialist, Alternative Technology Association Craig Memery has worked in the wind industry for over eight years and prepared and delivered on TAFE Advanced Diploma Wind Energy subjects. He has managed a variety of wind energy projects, grid connected and off-grid. He has first hand experience with installation, maintenance and repair of wind turbines and identification and assessment of sites for wind farms. Craig has prepared wind energy project costing and business cases; facilitated agreements between landowner and wind project developers; managed wind monitoring and performance testing for one of the world’s largest wind farm developers. He has worked with councils to assess potential wind energy projects and also advised on efficient identification of small to community scale wind projects.

Nicky Ison – Community Wind Specialist and Advocate, Institute for Sustainable Futures

Nicky Ison works in the sustainable energy industry and has extensive knowledge of the community wind sector both in Australia and Europe, including benefits, models of ownership, community involvement and policy support. Nicky is currently involved in the development of NSW’s first proposed community wind farm – New England Wind, helping to identify and institute their ownership and governance structures.    Nicky has also worked with councils and community organisations to develop their sustainable energy strategies.  Nicky has toured over 25 community renewable energy projects and organisations across Northern Europe.

The workshop is delivered in partnership with Wingecarribee Shire Council and supported by Fountaindale Grand Manor.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Contact:   Daniel Murphy, Regional Coordinator, 0427 241 879
Renewable Energy Precincts Program: