The site is a steep slope under two large figs that was weedy and unloved. The Landcare group is restoring the rainforest species under one of the figs and creating an edible forest of local Illawarra and regional native plants under the other.
The site’s proximity to the Kiama Community Garden prompted the creation of a living, growing expression of the link between biodiversity (the rainforest) and food security (the community garden). The Hillside is an opportunity to show off some of the wonderful plants of the Illawarra. Also, by using these local plant species, habitat is created for local fauna.
Teams of volunteers from Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) have helped with moving mulch and planting trees through funding from South East Local Land Services.
The group has been working with Office of Environment and Heritage and Kiama Venturers as well as Bombo Headland Landcare to build and install some habitat boxes for Micro Bats and Crimson Rosellas at the
CVA volunteers after a day of planting and mulching
HillsideĀ and the Boneyard gully on Bombo Headland.
“The support from Kiama Council has been wonderful.” Explains group co-ordinator Joe Carter.
Their bush regeneration team have recently removed the weed trees from the site and have been controlling climbing weeds such as Madeira vine. Last year, we hosted our first National Tree Day event, and Landcare Illawarra and CVA have been very helpful supplying plants, tools, labour and other advice and assistance when required.”
The group is always happy to welcome new volunteers. Hillside Landcare meets on the 4th Saturday of the month, contact Joe Carter for more information about this Landcare project and to get involved on 0417066896.