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Hillside Native Food Forest Landcare working bee

Hillside Native Food Forest Landcare will be hosting a working bee on Saturday the 27th of August.
Be sure to get down to the site next to the Kiama Community Garden to help out with some weeding and site maintenance.
The group recently planted over 100 new trees, shrubs and ground covers for “National Tree Day” with the students at Kiama High School to create “Butterfly, Bee and Bird” habitat.
Volunteers can also try their hand at some plant propagation and nursery work, and will be treated to amazing plunger coffee and some morning tea.
What you need to bring:Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 2.41.10 pm
  • Water
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Wear long sleeves
  • Long pants
  • Closed in sturdy shoes
Tools will be provided and all new people are welcome.
Gold coin donation encouraged.
Time: Start at 9am, Saturday August 27, contact Joe Carter for more information –
Where: Park at the Kiama Leisure Centre, 1 Havilah Pl, Kiama NSW 2533 and make your way through the fields towards the planting site next to the Kiama Community Garden.