Funding available for private land
Over the next 3 years South East Local Land Services has funds available to support landholders, in priority areas, to undertake works on coastal wetlands including salt marsh, mangroves, riparian areas, coastal floodplain, swamps, lakes and estuarine areas.
Funds can be used to manage and protect coastal wetlands including:
- Fencing to control stock and unauthorised recreational access
- Off-stream stock watering points
- Removal and control of weeds including blackberry, sharp rush, arrowhead, invasive vine species like Madeira vine and Japanese honey suckle
- Feral animal control including fox, rabbit, deer, goat and pig
- Removal of barriers to flow such as removal or modification of floodgates and/or crossings
- Revegetation to maintain and connect vegetation buffers, address erosion or improve habitat
For more information contact: Kirsti Sampson P. 4475 1004 or email to discuss opportunities available in the first round of funding
For information about priority areas and more details about the program Download Flyer here.

Funding available for public land
Applications open April 14 to commence 1 July 14
Funding is available to public land mangers to undertake on-ground works to protect, restore and connect wetlands across 32 priority wetland complexes.
Priority wetland areas are the focus of this funding including saltmarsh, mangroves, swamps etc. Riparian areas are a medium to low priority. If your project is focused mainly on riparian areas then please contact to discuss.
South East Local Land Services (SELLS) needs to deliver to the Australian Government hectares of wetland protected, restored and connected so that will be what they are looking to invest in.
Please talk about your project with either Sonia Bazzacco in the South (Eurobodlla, Bega) or Narelle Jones in the North (Shoalhaven, Illawarra) BEFORE you submit it, to give it the best chance of success. The guidelines provide specific detail to support you in the application process.
Extra incentive: Submitt by 30 April
SELLS are looking to allocate some funds before the end of the financial year. If you submit your project application, or a discrete stage of your project by 30 April SELLS will assess it at that time and potentially provide you with project funds ASAP. So if you have a ‘no regrets’ project ready to go and can work with Narelle or Sonia to get it moving then please give them a call to discuss.
Sonia 02 4475 100602 4475 1006
Narelle 02 4429 445502 4429 4455
Kirsti 02 4475 100402 4475 1004