Recognising Water Weeds

Have you noticed a change to the vegetation that is growing in your dam? Are your creeks and streams becoming overgrown with aquatic vegetation?

Over the past couple of years several aquatic weeds have become established in the Illawarra and around Berry. These can spread very rapidly and some have the potential to cost landowners a considerable amount of money to remove. This workshop has been developed to allow participants to improve their skills in water weed identification and develop skills and knowledge to improve their understanding and management of water weeds.

What is covered in the Recognising Water Weeds training workshop?

This one day workshop will provide participants with skills and knowledge relating to water weeds including:

  • Water weed habitats including common areas where aquatic weeds invade
  • Impacts and vectors of spread
  • Legislation requirements
  • Recognising plant characteristics
  • Correctly dispose of awuatic plant material

Each participant will receive a:

  • Participant workbook
  • A resource CD
  • RWW Plant Identification field guide (glossy A5 size)
  • Survey guidelines for weed professionals and community groups

This workshop would usually cost $315, but we are offering this to the community FREE to local landholders.
Limited to 15 places at each of the two workshops. This includes course notes, tuition, lunch and morning tea.

Why is the workshop free?

Because you the landholder are the eyes on the ground and we are hoping that you can assist us to reduce the spread of some of the world;s worst weeds.

Workshop 1
When: Saturday May 19, 8.30am-3.30pm
Where: Berry DPI, 13 Schofields Lane, Berry

Workshop 2
When: Sunday May 20, 8.30am-3.30pm
Where: Killalea State Park, Shellharbour