Plant a Tree for Mum thisMother’s Day

‘Trees forMum’ is a series ofMother’s Day memorial tree-planting events, originally created for members of the community whose mothers had passed away. The events have since evolved into celebratory tree planting events for all mothers and take place annually on the second Sunday inMay –Mother’s Day in Australia.
Where: Puckey’s Estate (Just north of the bridge onSquiresWay, North Wollongong, beside the bike track)
When: This mothers Day, Sunday,May 13
Time: 9am – 12pm
No need to register, just come along on the day, between 9am and 12pm.
Celebrate your mum this Mother’sDay by planting a tree in her honour.
For information, please call BushcareOffice – 4227 8113
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